Marching on in...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

March 1, 2002

Hello March. How you doin? I've come to see your power groovin'! Oh well, at least I'm working my way forward. Elder Clark messed up his ankle pretty well playing basketball. The Dr. talked about sending him home for surgery. Let's hope he gets better soon. I feel the Spirit more powerfully now than I think I ever have. It's like electricity running through me. I feel the fire of my mission now more than ever. I hope I can keep it burning.

March 2, 2002
Elder Clark's moving around alright today. The Dr. told him to watch it for a couple weeks. I guess he's sticking around for awhile after all... (I hate to admit it, but I entertained the thought of him going home, and it was appealing. No, more than was a relief. But I only entertained for a little bit...a day or so.)

There was a weird "fireside" discussion today with Dr. Bingham. He told us all about the health hazards of our respective missions. Apparently, I need to avoid mosquitoes first and foremost. Some of the diseases carried by them are frightening. Dengue is intense. Apparently the natives call it "Break-bone Fever" because of the pain it causes in your joints. Even opening your eyes is supposed to be incredibly painful.

As a side note, I like the Brazilian missionaries much more than the Americans down here. Maybe it's because they have a developed sense of humor. Just a thought...