Spiritual ADHD

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

February 20, 2002

Toughest day yet. Elder Clark would not stop talking in class. I swear, the kid is ADHD. I'm tempted to take him down to the infirmary and request some riddalin.

Got a letter from home today. Some great pictures of Papa, the irmas e irmaos and the DOG. Woof woof. Had a little more hope today.

Did my first TRC today. Met two Brazilians, became acquainted, and testified of God. They both told me I had a great Portuguese for a first week missionary. It felt great. That was the first time in days I had laughed so much. That old cliche--"Laughter is the Best Medicine?" SO TRUE!!!

When times are low, down, whatever, a good laugh can change the entire day. I'm so excited to serve with these Brazileiros! WE Americans are so depressed compared to these Brazilians. They are just hapy-go-lucky.

I wonder if it's the nice climate...