Day 1...of 730

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"You are called to spread love." --Rob Bauman, Stake President; Friend 2/11/02

Well, now I'm a missionary.

I've got my suit, my ties, and my white shirts.

I have a suitcase--the Pathfinder Presidential Pro, metallic finish with Ripstop nylon and YKK zippers. (Got that for 55% off--no harm in frugality!)

I have my scriptures.

I have a testimony.

I've spoken to anyone and everyone I can who knows anything about Manaus. At times, I've felt desperate to know what to wear, what to bring, and...I don't even know what to be desperate about! Jonas Anderson from up the street served his mission in Belem, right next door to the Manaus Mission, and he's given me some tips: (1) wear the lightest underwear possible that will stay dry; (2) don't mess with Anacondas or Cayman (easy since I won't be swimming); (3) love the people and they'll love you back.

Despite the prospect of a long, HOT summer--somewhere between 70 and 100 degrees all the time and a fairly consistent 100% humidity-- I can't help but be excited. This is the jungle I'm going to!! The AMAZON freaking RAINFOREST!!! Just wait for the stories that unfold in these pages: leaves of adventures that shoot from the branches of my life.

I don't do well in the heat, but I'm hoping I'll have Alma's blessing on my mission. Alma 31:38 says "they should suffer no manner of afflictions, save it were swallowed up in the joy of Christ." I hope that the heat, the humidity & the bugs will be swallowed up in that joy. So long as I have the Spirit with me, I know they will.

DEET will help as well.

Scott Hammer told me something the other day I hope to never forget: "Every day wake up and say 'Wow! I'm a missionary!' Work hard and never take yourself too seriously. And most important: Have FUN!" I hope I can have some companions like him when I get out there.

I am so scared. And so excited. I am torn between the two always. Two years seems to stretch on beyond a point I can see. Away from friends, family. Away from everything I've ever known. And I can't wait for it to come.

But I can't wait for it to go.

I have to go to the airport now and say goodbye to Mom and Dad. I'll write tonight.


Andrew said...

I'm looking forward to feeling homesick for my South American home while reading this new blog. Vai ser muito bom, com certeza, meu amigo.

Summer said...

Amém! Mas tudo valeu a pena para servir no lugar mais lindo do mundo inteiro, né? Até os companheiros chatos e insuportáveis não podiam diminuir a alegira de acordar todo dia naquela calor para servir os nossos irmãos brasileiros. Ai, que saudade...obrigada por fazer esse lembrou da época mais feliz da minha vida. Um dia quero ver fotos, viu? Eu sempre queria ir a Manaus.